Alföldi, Andreas, 1895-1981

Isis-szertartások Rómában a negyedik század keresztény császárai alatt = A festival of Isis in Rome under the Christian emperors of the IVth century ... / Festival of Isis in Rome under the Christian emperors of the IVth century. by Andrew Alföldi. - Budapest : Leipsic : Institute of numismatics and archeology of the Pázmány-university ; Commission-agent: O. Harrassowitz, 1937. - 95 p., 20 c. di tav. : ill. ; 29 cm. - Dissertationes pannonicae, ex Instituto numismatico et archaeologico Universitatis de Petro Pázmány nominatae budapestinensis provenientes. Ser. II ; fasc. 7 . - Dissertationes Pannonicae ex Instituto Numismatico et Archaeologico Universitatis de Petro Pázmány Nominatae Budapestinensis provenientes. Series II .

"A lecture, given at the International Congress of the numismatists, London, 1936."

Bibliographical foot-notes.

Text in English.